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Health Catalyst

A Program for anyone struggling with sticking to healthy habits, yo-yo dieting and emotionally eating/drinking to cope with stress and anxiety.

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  • Are you frustrated because no matter what you do you cannot lose weight and always seem to be on the new fad diet or extreme exercise plan? 

  • Have you been experiencing stress and anxiety for reasons you can’t identify? 

  • Do you lack energy and often feel run down and fatigued?


Then this 90 Day Program is for you!! 


In the “Healthy Lifestyle Make-over” Program you will...


1. Develop a powerful understanding of how daily habits health will transform your life so that you can lose weight and keep it off for good while still enjoying your life.

2. Learn which foods are optimal for your unique body and give you the best energy so you can achieve whatever you set out to accomplish. 

3. Discover a step – by - step process on how to build healthy habits that last so that  you do not feel unwarranted stress and anxiety when making over your lifestyle.


In this customized VIP one-on-one program, you will receive 12 Weekly One-hour coaching sessions, curated resources, exercises to keep you on track outside of sessions, and email support between calls. 



Healthy Lifestyle Makeover: 12 Session Overview  


The 12 sessions of my 90-Day Program help my clients get more in tune with their  thoughts, feelings, and emotions that guide their everyday choices. My Healthy Lifestyle  Make-Over will empower my clients to be the leading authority on their health and body,  and to increasingly feel confident that they know exactly what their body is needing and  how to provide it while adding more balance and joy back into their lives. 


Module 1: sessions 1-4 Build intuition and start to recognize the signals of the  body.  


This is a crucial part in setting the foundation for sustained results for my clients. This helps  to get the client out of the traditional diet mentality of deprivation, yo-yoing, and negative self talk.


Module 2: sessions 5-6: Learn to recognize self-sabotage and replace destructive  habits with nourishing habits.  


These sessions are what separate my health coaching from other coaching programs. All  clients will fall off track at some point in their program and that is OKAY! I will learn how to  help my clients recognize when this is about to happen. As the client starts to experience  change their "critter brain" wants to freak out and resort to old habits that were more  comfortable. In session 6, I will help their inner rebel be expressed in non-destructive ways  (no more self-sabotaging behaviors) and brainstorm more nourishing choices to add into  their lives.  

Module 3: sessions 7-10: Techniques for managing stress and stepping into your  personal power.  


One thing we have ample amounts of in this world is stress. It will show up in different  ways for my clients, but helping them to manage and reduce it is key to helping them  improve digestion and assimilate their food optimally.  

I will address the underlying cause of what wants to be nourished so there’s no more self medicating with food. I will also help them acknowledge and reframe any negative self loathing thoughts that could be keeping them from living their best life. Our stories  create our biology.  


Module 4: Sessions 11-12: New baseline. It’s time to dream bigger!  


By now my clients have created a new baseline of Be-ing. Whether they’ve completely  crushed their original goal, or found some new ones along the way, by now they are  thinking and doing things differently. These two sessions are really fun as I get to stretch  my clients into dreaming bigger and see all that they wish to accomplish in this lifetime. I  get to celebrate all of their accomplishments over the last 90 days and, depending on their  next goals, powerfully invite them to say YES to their desires by stepping up even more for  themselves in their next 90-Day Program or other coaching services.  Support, accountability, and STRETCH are everything when you are striving for the highest  possible version of yourself!


Contact Me Now to see if this is the right next step for you!

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